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Commodity Management

  • Plan all commodity management activities; Allocate food to all FDPs and notify to logistics planning & operation and strategic food reserve admiration directorate.
  • Coordinate over all food management activities starting from monthly food request up to food distribution & reporting.
  • Ensure that recommendations and actions coming out of the different stakeholders’ consultative workshops/meetings, commodity Audit findings and missions regarding commodity management movement/flow are timely implemented
  • Compile weekly food dispatch report from the eight EDRMC central hubs and submit and send to ENDRMC and partner/stakeholder s institutions. 
  • Provide support and Conduct pre and post audit missions to regions& facilitate annual commodity Audit for PSNP and HFA programs by an independent external auditor.
  • Prepare action plan for commodity audit findings & provide technical support on how to address the audit finding & rectification mechanism for the regional & woreda staffs.
  • Consolidate the quarterly Commodity Flow and Utilization report using agreed format and submit to development ENDRMC, stakeholders/partners.
  • Provide over all food management & implementation capacity strengthening training for regional, zonal & woreds food management staffs.

Contact Info

Direct Line: +251116461449


Nifas Silk Lafto Sub City Beside Nifas Silk Vocational School, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, P.O. Box 5686.