Home » Risk Reduction and Rehabilitation » Study Document » 2021 » Study to Assess the Effectiveness of the National Disaster Risk Management Commission’s Coordination role in recent disasters in Ethiop

Study to Assess the Effectiveness of the National Disaster Risk Management Commission’s Coordination role in recent disasters in Ethiop

Risk Reduction & Rehabilitation

The Ethiopian disaster response and disaster risk management function has had a long history and variable profile in the political life of the country, both domestically and on the international stage.
The National Disaster Risk Management Commission (NDRMC) and its predecessors have been accorded different statuses in the Federal Government structure between 2015 and 2020, which as influenced the ease with which it has been able to fulfil its mandate, prescribed in the National Policy and Strategy for Disaster Risk Management (NPSDRM) 2013. NDRMC’s mandate under the 2013 Policy and Strategy is to convene and coordinate for emergency response, and to ensure the mainstreaming of disaster risk management in relevant line Ministries. Its status currently as a department within a line Ministry makes this task more challenging as it is not regarded by technical line Ministries as an equal partner.


Risk Reduction and Rehabilitation